Saturday, July 12, 2008

froggy pool!

so we splurged and got a froggy pool from dollar general for $12. woo hoo! they love it, especially since it spits water at them, which they think is awesome. It has been so hot outside that we thought this would be a nice addition to the backyard!
For two who fight so much, these two are so very sweet! Emma loves her big brothers, and from this shot, I guess they love her too!

These two shots really made me realize how old my babies are starting to look! Jacob's face has changed so much, he is turning into a little man! And Owen, also has changed so much! I guess it is the hormones, but I get all teary eyed thinking about it!! No matter, they both still are super loving and so very sweet, promising to always be my babies, and always give momma hugs is enough for me!

Yep, I am a smoosh

Ok, being a fan of all things small and cute, this is no exception. If you don't know, the story of Scooter is one of pure joy. This is the most awesome cat ever created! He is 20% dog and 80% awesome. He always sleeps with me, and one night we couldn't find him anywhere. He was asleep on top of Emma's teddy bear! I know this officially puts me further in the nerd category, but I embrace it if it can allow me to post about my baby cat that has been with us for 9 years.

little swaddled baby

Ok I know he is not a baby anymore (will always be to me) but I love wrapping Owen up in towels. I asked if he is cute, and he said "yep, I cute." He has been doing so good lately to the glory of GOD! I know that so many have been praying for him, and we can definitely see the results!! We are so terribly excited for him to start his special ed preschool this fall! For now I can just marvel in him, and in HIM that gave us this little sweetie!!!!!
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